Most of us have a profile picture we are happy with and are no strangers to photo editors. We could even name quite a few right off the top of our heads. But have you ever thought about creating an avatar of yourself? If you have never tried it, here is your chance. With the following five free web apps, you can turn yourself into the avatar you may have always wanted to be.

Turn Yourself Into an Anime Avatar gives you the opportunity to turn yourself into an Anime avatar. As you can see in the image above, that would be the closest I would ever be to looking like an anime avatar. The web app allows you to edit your eyes, eyebrows, hair, and mouth, and add a ponytail, hats, facial hair, and accessories (limited selection). The app only lets you create an anime avatar from the neck up, but if that’s what you’re looking for, then this is your app.

Avachara Avatar

I would have to say that Avachara is my personal favorite, except for one thing I find kind of creepy: The avatar blinked back at me while I was creating it. Besides that, this web app is great. Avachara gives you a large variety of clothes and accessories to choose from, including tiaras. This is the app that offers the biggest amount of options out of all the apps mentioned.

When you first access the app, you will naturally start by putting your face together, and that includes the usual: face, skin color, eyes, etc. Once you’re done with that, move on to fashion, items (what they call accessories, such as a guitar) and finally wallpaper. It would have been great if they had landscape types of backgrounds, but I guess this is okay considering that it’s free.

My Blue Robot

My Blue Robot is another avatar-creating web app you are going to love. It may not have as many options as the previous app, but it has its unique features such as giving you options to make your eyes, mouth and head bigger by using the magnifying glass with a minus or plus sign inside it.

You can set your eyes wider apart or closer together or even move them up or down. Another feature that this app offers that the others don’t is that it even gives you the option of tilting your head to give your avatar that finishing touch. This app also has a downside: if you want to keep your avatar without the watermarks, it makes you pay $1.25 for it.

Face Your Manga is the tool that helped me create the avatar that comes the most realistically close to what I looked like but was not my favorite. This app does offer things that the other didn’t. For example, Face Your Manga gives you the opportunity to add details such as pimples, birthmarks, band-aid, a third eye (seriously), scars, freckles or moles.

This app also lets you set the distance of your eyebrows, if you want to look like Spock from Star Trek. What I did find interesting about this app is that it was the only one that gave me the option of adding the middle finger to my avatar, something I naturally didn’t do. The app also offers the typical features such as modifying your face, clothes, etc.

Marvel Superhero Avatar

Have you ever looked at Wolverine and thought, “It would be so great if he had wings.” Probably not, but now with the Marvel Superhero avatar tool you can give your favorite superhero the power or look you think he or she is lacking. When you first enter you will be asked to choose the base or your hero.

I wanted a female superhero, and the above image is what I put together. I know it’s not the best you’ve seen, but I was able to mix the appearances of Spider-Girl, Elektra, and Ms. Marvel. In the male superhero you can mix Iron Man, Spider-Man, Captain America, Wolverine, and Thor. You can mix and match everything on these superheroes such as armor, logos, accessories, and weapons. Once you have your hero together, all you have to do is color everything in and either send it to a friend, save, download or print.


Creating an avatar of yourself is fun and takes your mind off stressful things in your day. With these free web apps you will have more than enough options to keep yourself busy for a while. Which app do you think you’re going to try? Let us know in the comments.

Judy Sanhz is a tech addict that always needs to have a device in her hands. She loves reading about Android, Softwares, Web Apps and anything tech related.She hopes to take over the world one day by simply using her Android smartphone!

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