Anyone surfing the Web these days can tell you they are hard pressed to find a site that doesn’t have or isn’t linking to video. Many of the videos embedded on sites are hosted on Youtube or a similar site. Most of these sites do not offer many options to share the actual video. Sure you can link to their page, be it from a link or embedding it.

Have you ever asked any of these questions?

  • What if I want to put a bunch of videos on a disc or USB drive to watch on a trip?
  • What if I am reading a blog and want to see a how-to video on the topic I am reading about?
  • Where can I keep all of my videos for later viewing?

Well let me tell you what, you will get answers to those and more. Well, more like you will get Firefox Add-ons to solve these problems. To make it easier for you, I created a Firefox Add-on Collection. Below is a description of each of the different plugins.

1. PIP – Picture in Picture (Mac and Linux)

I was really happy to find this add-on. It used to bother me that I had to stay on a tab to watch a video. With PIP – Picture in picture, you are free to roam from tab to tab while the video plays in the bottom right corner of your screen. Initially the window is pretty small. In the settings you can adjust the size to something more viewable.

This is what it looks like in action.

2. FireTorrent

FireTorrent is a great option for the person who occasionally needs to download a torrent file, but doesn’t want to take up the space of a totally separate program. It offers a surprisingly good speed for what you might expect for an add-on. FireTorrent is not compatible with Firefox 3.6 yet.

3. KeepTube

KeepTube is a pretty slick video downloader. Normally when you go to a site such as Youtube, for example, you can share the video on major sited like Twitter and Facebook. You can also send someone a link or even embed the video into a webpage. What KeepTube lets you do is download the video right to your computer so you can share it how ever you would like.

If you are searching the web for information on how to do something, this is a must have. For example, when you are on a site about Blackberry tips, you can activate the sidebar by clicking on the icon in the status bar in the bottom right of your Firefox window. The Sidebar opens and shows 6 videos related to the article you are reading. Very handy if you are a visual learner.

5. Video Bookmarking

If you read the post a while back about Popscreen, this is a similar site. What the plugin offers is a fast way to save the video you like for later sharing or viewing. Video Bookmarks is not compatible with Firefox 3.6 yet.

How do you handle all of the videos you are bombarded with every day?

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Trevor is a freelance writer covering topics ranging from the Android OS to free web and desktop applications. When he is not writing about mobile productivity, He is coaching and playing the world’s greatest game… Soccer.

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