Due to WordPress’ popularity and wide usage, spammers and hackers often take a keen interest in exploiting the platform’s vulnerabilities. A lack of adequate protection may cause substantial damage to your website, and private information can be stolen.

Here are five plugins that will boost your security and reduce the risk of being attacked to a great extent.

1. Sucuri Security

Sucuri Security is one of the most renowned experts when it comes to website security. While they offer paid packages for their services, they also have a free plugin for WordPress websites.

This plugin offers a lot of security features, such as Security Activity Monitoring, Malware Scanning, Blacklist Monitoring, and Security Hardening.

There is also a Post Hack section where you can reset your security keys to invalidate existing cookies, so all users will have to log in again, or all users’ passwords will be reset at once. You can also turn on email notifications so you get informed about all types of actions on your website.

2. WordFence Security

WordFence is a 100%-free open-source security and performance plugin that secures your website and makes it up to fifty times faster.

Upon installation, WordFence performs a deep scan of your source code for core, themes and plugins and compares it with the official WordPress repository to check their integrity.

It improves login security by offering two-factor authentication and also provides real-time blocking of known attackers across all websites using WordFence. Its Falcon caching engine reduces your web server disk and database activity and subsequently improves website performance to a great effect.

3. iThemes Security

iThemes Security (formerly Better WP Security) claims to provide over thirty ways to secure your WordPress installation.

Once you have it installed, it will protect your site by hiding common WordPress vulnerabilities and remove information that hackers can use to gain access to your website. Also, it’ll stop automated attacks, scan your site for holes and back up your database regularly.

It offers several other options such as two-factor authentication, Google reCAPTCHA, importing/exporting settings between multiple sites and much more. There are also a number of advanced configuration settings for experienced users.

4. All in One WPSecurity and FireWall

All in One WP Security & Firewall is another highly-rated security plugin available for free on the WordPress Repository.

It offers similar features as the other two mentioned above, but it also has some unique characteristics of its own. Perhaps the most distinguishing one is the “Security Strength Meter” on your dashboard that gives your site a score based on the security features you have activated.

Other features include scheduled backups of database, .htaccess and wp-config files, blacklist functionality for banning specific IP addresses or ranges, brute force login protection and comment spam security.

5. Acunetix WP Security

Acunetix WP Security is a free and comprehensive security tool that secures your WordPress website by scanning it for leaks and suggesting corrective measures to fix those leaks.

Some of the areas covered with this plugin include password protection, WordPress admin dashboard protection, version hiding, database security, and removal of WP generator meta tag form core code.


Try any one of these plugins and let us know how they perform on your site. Each plugin provides its own unique features, so feel free to try them all and see which one works for you. If you have some extra cash to spare, you can go ahead with the premium packages offered by Sucuri Security and iThemes Security for added features and support.

What security plugin do you use? Did we leave out your favorite plugin? Let us know in the comments section below.

Ayo Isaiah is a freelance writer from Lagos who loves everything technology with a particular interest in open-source software. Follow him on Twitter.

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