In today’s society, people are getting more and more conscious about the importance of a healthy life – this means regular exercise, eating well and positive sleeping habits. If we add to this the advent of technology being experienced these days, with tablets and smartphones widely available and used, we can get the best of two worlds.

Apps are being developed all the time for these devices, and today I will focus on apps that are related to one’s health. Fitness apps have been covered before, so now I will mention different ones, related to other aspects of our health.

1. Fooducate

When you go out shopping for packed food, you can check all sorts of nutritional information about the products, as well as their ingredients and other useful things. However, with Fooducate, you will get to know much more, just like if you had x-ray vision and could see (nutritionally speaking) what is inside the packaging.

This amazing app scans the product you want to buy and provides you with useful information about it, like how healthy it is, the amount of sugar, if it is a processed product, and so on. It also gives you suggestions for similar yet healthier products, and also tracks your food intake and amount of exercise, making it your personal nutritionist to consult on the go.

Get it for Android | iOS

2. Allergy Food Translator

Luckily it is not my case, but I know that food allergies can be terribly annoying and even, in some cases, life threatening. It is relatively easy to avoid them if you are in your home country or in a country where you know the local language, but in places where you cannot communicate well, avoiding the products you are allergic to can be quite hard.

Allergy Food Translator aims to solve this problem. This app translates your allergies into several different languages, making this communication easier. Just sit comfortably in the restaurant, select your allergies and flash your phone’s screen to the waiter. He will be informed, in his own language, what you must not eat.

Get it for iOS

3. Headache Diary

Most of the time, headaches are innocuous, but people suffering from them know very well how punishing and painful they can really be. They seem to be there forever, and even though they are “only” in our heads, they keep us from doing the most basic things. This app will not, obviously, cure headaches, but it will help you to get rid of them.

Headache Diary is designed for people suffering from this problem to keep a record about headaches. When they happen, where they happen, what people ate before having them, how long they lasted, and so on. It may not seem like much, but this kind of information will surely be useful when you seek medical attention, as doctors will then have a much clearer picture of what is happening.

Get it for Android

4. Zipongo

We all know that eating well (in a healthy way) can be quite expensive, especially if we are looking for fresh foods like meat, fish or vegetables. However, if we pay attention, stores provide promotions all the time, so all we have to do is be aware and use them.

In order to help us with this, there is Zipongo. This app will help in two ways: first, it warns you about stores with promotions on the items you place on your list. Then, it will tell you if a given item is healthy or not, as it has a “GO database”, its own list of foods qualifying as healthy under specific parameters like nutrients, vitamins, minerals and so on. Oh, and it also gives you healthy tips and recipes.

5. WebMD

When there is something wrong with our body, the best way to go is to seek some medical attention with someone who knows the deal. When this is not possible, it comes really handy to have a doctor in our pocket, one who we can consult whenever we need.

This is the exactly the premise with WebMD. This is a clean, simple and easy to navigate app that will give you free medical (and complete) information. But no, this is not like your random search for symptoms, which invariably ends with you thinking that you have some life-threatening condition, when in fact it is just a cold – it is built with solid information. It does not need any Internet connection to work, which can be quite helpful in times of need.

Are there any other apps you know that could have made this list? Let us know in the comments!

Diogo (@diogocostaweb) is a Biologist with a grip on computers and technology. Running Windows systems all his life, has a big interest in discovering new apps that increase productivity or simply make things more interesting. He lives in Portugal and has photography and music as main hobbies. He is also the author of the page, a page for short (but useful) computer tweaks and tutorials.

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