Windows 8 Developer Preview has been downloaded 500,000 time in less than a day — in 12 hours, to be specific.

In the second day of BUILD Windows conference in California, Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer took the stage to talk about the reaction to Windows 8. The numbers show how much interest there is for the upcoming operating system from Microsoft code named Windows 8. Microsoft’s first released video Building Windows 8 has over 6 million views in YouTube since the first day (June 1st).

Microsoft’s CEO also talked about the reaction of blogs around the web and media. “Windows 8 ‘re-imagines’ user experience, adds major performance gains” — VentureBeat said. Tom Warren also said: “I’ve never witnessed this much excitement in a Microsoft audience at a keynote before. It’s electric.” The excitement is all around, Windows 8 is gaining momentum which indicates that Microsoft is in the right path to success. Now with the natively support of so many programming languages, even HMTL5, is up to developers to continue moving forward and build Metro Style application to make Windows 8 shine.

If you like to watch all of what Steve Ballmer had to say, here is the link for the video