Being a web writer is never an easy job. In addition to the writing you have to do research, check for sources, note down important findings, find compelling images, etc. If you are using Chrome as your daily browser, then here are some of the useful Chrome extensions for writers which can be used to organize your daily workflow.

 1. Grammarly

Grammarly is one of my favorite Chrome extensions to check for grammar and spelling mistakes while writing the article. It is so good that we even have an article about it. To use the extension, you first need to register on the official website. Once registered, Grammarly automatically integrates with your Chrome browser and displays instant solutions for all the spelling and simple grammar mistakes.

2. OneTab

OneTab is a simple Chrome extension that can save selected tabs for later use. This extension is particularly useful when you are doing your research. The good thing about OneTab is that it helps you organize all those tabs in Groups, and if you want to you can also share all those saved tabs as a webpage.

3. Evernote Web Clipper

Evernote is a famous tool among writers. Evernote Web Clipper is an official extension that can help you quickly clip web pages and save them to Evernote automatically for later use. The good thing is that you can instantly share your clips with your colleagues or with the Internet.

4. StayFocusd

While using the Internet it is easy to get distracted with all the emails, Facebook notifications, WhatsApp notifications, etc. StayFocusd is a simple Chrome extension that restricts you from accessing certain sites at certain times. Of course you can customize what to block and when to block. This extension is particularly helpful to increase your productivity by limiting how you spend your limited work time.

5. Google Similar Pages

Google Similar Pages is an official extension from Google that can help you in your research for your content. Once the extension has been installed, just click on it while you are on your target webpage, and the extension will show you a list of similar web pages that discuss the same topic. It’s helpful while you are trying to find articles on a similar topic.

6. TickTick – Todo and Task List

TickTick is one of the best to-do and task list managers which has a wide range of features. Having a good to-do list makes managing your work and time very easy. The good thing about this extension is that it can sync with your mobile so that you won’t lose your to-do list even when are on the go.

Hopefully that helps. Do share your thoughts and experiences about using the above extensions to manage your writing life.

Vamsi is a tech and WordPress geek who enjoys writing how-to guides and messing with his computer and software in general. When not writing for MTE, he writes for he shares tips, tricks, and lifehacks on his own blog Stugon.

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