Whether you’re looking for something to kill your time with or want to catch up with everything that’s happening in the world of technology in a rather short amount of time, technology podcasts can fulfill that task easily. If you are yet to listen to tech podcasts, below is a list of some of the best ones out there.
1. The Vergecast
The Vergecast is a technology podcast where Joshua Topolsky, Nilay Patel, and other editors from the site sit down to talk about technology. Much like the website The Verge, the podcast covers everything including technology, pop culture, science and art and even what their lives are up to. When they are not busy talking about their own lives and the games they have been busy playing the entire week, the podcast can easily qualify for one of the best sources of information. All in all, you are in for a nice time, that is for sure. Incidentally, last week the show went into hibernation mode, but will be back very soon.
2. Windows Weekly
Arguably the best podcast for everything Microsoft, Windows Weekly is what you listen to if you want to catch up with Microsoft news. Whether it is Microsoft’s latest operating system, the development in the Windows Phone division, Xbox, or even Azure, Microsoft watchers Paul Thurrott, Mary Jo Foley and Leo Laparde will have you covered. In addition to their insightful comments and opinions, they also share some useful tips and leaks in the podcast.
3. Anandtech Podcast
There are tech news websites, and then there is AnandTech. You can tune into The Verge, Engadget, or Recode for technology news and gadget reviews and read everything there, and still won’t find the kind of content AnandTech provides on its website. In a nutshell, every other website will tell you that a phone will run fast because it has a great processor, but if you want to know why that processor is able to do so, Anandtech Podcast is what you should listen to. Coming from an industry expert, Anand Lal Shimpi and Optical engineer Brian Klug, their opinions matter. Period.
4. CMD Space
CMD Space is a bit different from the ones we’ve mentioned above. Unlike most podcasts where experts sit down to talk about technology news and provide their insightful opinions, at CMD Space, the discussion is about the people who are entrenched in this field. Hosted by Myke Hurley, the show has had many incredible people on the board including CNET’s Editor-at-Large, Tim Stevens and coder, Marco Arment. Tune into the show every Thursday for new episodes.
5. Triangulation
Along the lines of CMD Space, there is another great show in which the coolest people come to talk about the issues surrounding technology. Hosted by Leo Laporte and his guests, Triangulation is one of those shows you just can’t afford to ignore. Recently, the show had invited NYTimes author, Nick Bilton, to talk about his bestselling book “Hatching Twitter.” New episodes air every Monday.
6. The News
In a hurry? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could listen to all the major news stories within 5 minutes? That’s what 5by5’s The News does. Hosted by Myke Hurley, you get all the latest scoop about Google, Apple, gaming and Internet culture in three to four minutes.
7. What The Tech
Another weekly podcast that you don’t want to miss out on is What The Tech. Hosted by Andrew Zarian and Paul Thurrott, What The Tech covers all major events in the technology field from the past week. In addition, the two experts also unbox devices and review them.
8. The Prompt
If you find yourself inclined towards the Apple ecosystem, we have something especially for you. The Prompt is easily one of the most exciting podcasts you can listen to. Not only is the show informative, but the hosts – Federico Viticci, Myke Hurley, and Stephen Hackett – make it damn funny as well.
9. Linux Action Show
If you find yourself gripped by Linux operating systems, Linux Action Show is easily the best show for you. The show is currently on its thirty-first season. Yes, that’s how long it has been around for. Hosted by two renowned names in the industry, Chris Fisher and Matt Hartley, the show also talks about open source technologies.
Honorable mentions
There are many more podcasts that you may find interesting.
Engadget Podcast: There was a time when Tim Stevens used to host this podcast, but after his departure, the show has lost its charm, though it is still worth listening to.
TechSNAP: Another show from Jupiter Broadcasting, TechSNAP is for people who are interested in systems, networking and administration. Hosted by professor Allan Jude and resident expert, Chris Fisher, the show gives more emphasis on issues circling around security.
Mac Power Users: Yet another show for Apple fanboys, the show invites great people to talk about Apple.
PC Perspective: Hosted by Ryan Shrout, Jeremy Hellstrom, Josh Walrath and Allyn Malventano, the show talks about processors, motherboards and the insides of your system.
Did we miss any of your favorites? Let us know in the comments what other podcasts you listen to.
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