With 78% of Americans now online, social media marketing and networking have become the preferred method of promoting business. YouTube is an excellent avenue to do just that, whether you are an individual trying to make a name for yourself, or you are promoting a brand. Because businesses can create their own channels on YouTube, there is no end to the type of content you create or how far reaching it could become. Take advantage of this platform to maximize your social media exposure by linking your YouTube channel to other social media accounts.

Have you ever wondered what your friends are watching on YouTube? Once you link your social media accounts to your YouTube account, you will see exactly what they are watching! Not only will you be exposed to some content you may not have seen before, it will also automatically send updates to all of your contacts when you upload or favorite new content. This form of networking will spread your content more quickly, creating higher views and increasing subscribers. See the steps below to start linking your social media accounts and watch your video’s go viral!

1. Create An Account

  • If you are new to YouTube, you can set up an account in a flash using your Google credentials. If you don’t have a Google account, then create one and return to the YouTube sign in page.
  • Once you have an account, a channel will automatically be created for you. To begin adding video, click the “Upload” button in the top right corner. The video will be added to your channel. To view your channel, click on your username at the top of the screen.
  • On the left side of the screen, under the “Subscriptions” tab, you will see “Social”. This is where you will begin the steps to link your social media accounts to your YouTube channel.

  • In order to start sharing your content and viewing your contact’s video feed, begin by connecting your social media accounts. Connect your Google+, Facebook, Twitter and Orkut accounts by clicking “Connect” next to any you want to share content to. It will prompt you to sign into those accounts during the setup process, but not again after it is linked. If you ever want to unlink an account, simply click “Disconnect.”

  • Once you are connected to your social media accounts, the feed on your YouTube channel will auto-populate all the video’s that your friends and social media contacts have been watching.  You can get a better feel for your subscribers interests by clicking their name. Doing this will bring you to the social media account from the social network the content was shared on. This method is fine for specific viewing but not the best way to see who your audience is. A better way to build better content and gauge demographics and interests, is by using YouTube Analytics.

Linking your social media accounts will save you time, by seamlessly updating all linked accounts whenever you upload or favorite new content. This method will increase the exposure your content receives, increasing your chances of creating viral material.  Whatever method you choose to promote your business, make sure that all of your social media accounts represent a cohesive view of your business.

Jessica is a Support Technician for Cytanium Hosting who loves to teach people how to use modern technology to be more productive and organized. Simple tips, tricks and tools can make anyone computer savvy! You can follow her on Twitter @learningrl or visit her blog at www.learningrl.net.

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