While there is major buzz in the cloud storage segment with almost every big company in the race, the consumers face a dreaded problem of choosing the best one to go with. In fact, some of you might even have accounts for all these services and use them for different purposes. The problem now is not how many accounts you have, but how to manage them all in one place. Cloudkafe is one such service that gives access to major web accounts from a single location.

Sign up for a free account with the cloud storage management service. You’ll have a choice to use the Facebook login. However, it’s recommended to use a fresh set of login credentials. As you verify your email address, you will be taken to your Cloudkafe main account page. Here you will find 6 categories which are used to group cloud services as per their probable usability.

  1. Documents: SugarSync, Dropbox, Box, Google Drive and SkyDrive.

  2. Pictures: SmugMug, Facebook, Picasa, Flickr, Instagram.

  3. Videos: Youtube, Vimeo.

  4. Notes: Evernote and Catch.

  5. Contacts: Google and Yahoo contacts.

  6. Music: This segment is yet to have any services listed.

You will now have to add/authorize your accounts one by one. Just head over to the categories you wish to add the services and authorize access to them one at a time. With all the services you need are connected, you can have a complete view of your data online. You can open the files, move them within the service. Alternatively, you can download them too (for some of them) if you need to. A simple feature to download Youtube videos (that you had uploaded earlier) might been a nice addition to Cloudkafe. The interface looks a little gawky at some screens but is overall quite simple and easy to use.

The great thing about using Cloudkafe is that you can search for something in all the services in one go, which is really very helpful. The app, however, do not allow you to move files across different services which is a bummer. Other premium services has cap on how much bandwidth you can use every month which could be frustrating if you are transferring large files. Thankfully Cloudkafe has no such bar on bandwidth usage. Cloudkafe is completely free and with all features available, it indeed works great for most people.

Related Reading: Access and Backup your Cloud accounts with Primadesk

There are similar services that does a better job than Cloudkafe in certain aspects. Like Otixo that supports cross-service file transfers, indeed offers a great advantage if you prefer not to install the desktop clients from all services. I prefer to use only one (from Dropbox) that has better performance features and then use Otixo to sort files into the relevant storage. However, Cloudkafe is unique in it’s selection of services which even includes popular services like Instagram, Youtube and Google contacts which are missing from similar services. So if you are looking for a cloud storage management service instead of something that lets you organize/backup your cloud accounts, you should definitely try Cloudkafe.

Soumen is the founder/author for Ampercent, a tech blog that writes on computer tricks, free online tools & software guides.

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