If you are using Linux server, you probably access it remotely some of the time. Most of the time you may be using another computer to access your server remotely. But you may not have your computer with you all the time. What would you do in that case? Well, you always have your smartphone with you, don’t you? Then why worry? Setting up and accessing your Linux server form your Android is fairly easy. Here’s how to access Linux server from Android.

Access Linux Server from Android

Before you begin, you need to accept the fact that you may be compromising your server’s security by accessing it remotely. Accessing your server remotely opens a door for vulnerabilities. It doesn’t necessarily mean remote access is insecure, it is not as secure as accessing it from the computer it is set up in.

SSH or Secure Shell is one of the most popular and secure ways to connect to the server. You might want to install OpenSSH if you haven’t done so already.

After you have successfully configured OpenSSH on your Linux server, it is now time to set up your Android device. You will need an SSH app for this to work. Once such app is Terminus, but you can use the one you prefer. Terminus supports SFTP along with SSH. This is fairly useful if you tend to upload files to your server form your Android frequently. You will need to buy the premium version of the app to access all the option including SFTP. But the free version has most of the features you will need.

Now its time to connect your Android device to the Linux server. You could use your username or password to connect, but I recommend you use the private SSH key. Explaining how you can get the key is beyond the scope of this article so you might want to research a bit. It is not that difficult.

After you have the key, you will now have to find the server’s IP address. To get the IP address, you need to know if your server is on a web host or on your home. If it is on a web host, use the command curl ifconfig.me. This will reveal the IP address that you will need. If you have the server at your own home, you will need to use the command ifconfig | grep inet. You will get your IP address.

You can now connect remotely to your server from your Android device.

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