Whether you’re a social media influencer or just an average joe who likes to connect online, followers and likes can make the difference. Social media channels are made for this, whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.

Ingramer is a service that will help you find those connections, followers, and likes on Instagram. The bot uses special filters, as well as targeting through hashtags, locations, and usernames, and lets you track the results through analytics.

This is a sponsored article and was made possible by Ingramer. The actual contents and opinions are the sole views of the author who maintains editorial independence, even when a post is sponsored.

Note: Ingramer has been rebranded to Inflact. While this review still refer it as Ingramer, the link has been updated to the Inflact site.

The Ingramer Basics

There is nothing to download and nothing to take up precious space on your hard drive, phone, or tablet. Ingramer is a web app and is so simple to get started, you can be up and running in a matter of minutes by signing up with your email. Then it’s just a matter of connecting your Instagram account to Ingramer.

A bit of a warning: you do have to give them permissions on your account. If you are not willing to do that, then you will not be able to use the service.

After setting up your account, you need to set up your campaign, and this is where it gets a little sticky. While it says it only takes a few minutes, this can be true, if you know what you’re doing. It can also be a little confusing, as there are just so many different settings, and there really isn’t much instruction to help you out along the way, though there is a chat window for support.

Basically, what you are doing is just posting to Instagram, and Ingramer will find you followers and people to like your posts. My account was actually set up a few days before I had a chance to start playing around with it. And while I’ve been on Instagram since 2013, I rarely ever use it. I mostly have pictures on there from things I was tagged in or from occasions where I actually remembered I had an account.

But in between when I joined Ingramer and actually tried to set up a campaign, I was already getting follows and likes, based on just those few photos that were already up. That inspired me and made me wonder where I could go with it.

Setting the Options in Ingramer

I decided to use Ingramer to see if it could build up my account. I started posting the articles I write – both the articles I write here and our associated site, IoT Tech Trends. I also write political news and current events for a news site. So I started posting many of these articles to either Instagram or Ingramer.

This is one negative of the service. While you get six days to try out the service for free before having to subscribe to a paid version, you are only allowed to post three articles in that free trial, and I write anywhere from five to nine articles every day. So I only had the data to rely on of posting three articles, and I didn’t choose the best ones, as I didn’t realize until after the fact that I would be limited to just three.

There are three main areas of Ingramer: Dashboard, Accounts, and Posting. On the dashboard, you can see the total amount of users Ingramer followed and unfollowed for you, the average amount of users it followed every day, the total number of likes it did, and the average number of likes it did every day. I didn’t have any follows or unfollows, as I did not have the service doing that for me.

Under Accounts it shows all the different Instagram accounts that you have connected to the service. I just have the one account.

In this section you can choose to pause the service or run it, and you can also show statistics. Again, I was getting likes and follows off my old photos before I even started posting things. Hashtag performance can also be checked.

The days I posted the three articles, I received many likes and follows, and even when I posted to Instagram directly and not through Ingramer, I still kept up with getting a decent amount of likes and follows.

But when I didn’t post for two days, my likes and follows fell dramatically. I posted again a couple days later, but I’m not sure how long it will take to get back to those other numbers. I lost some new followers in those days I didn’t post. Or maybe I lost some old followers who don’t like my new posts.

Under targeting you can see hashtags that Ingramer feels might suit your audience and content and can also add your own hashtags and check what the performance will be on those.

Additionally, you can add locations where you want Ingramer to target accounts and pictures to interact with. Since Make Tech Easier is a global company, I didn’t set any specific locations. Specific usernames can be added as well, such as those of famous accounts or your competitors. Ingramer will try to work with that audience.

An advanced section for targeting allows you to set specifics for gender, languages, timezone, stories options, likes options, unfollowing options, and even a blacklist of hashtags, locations, and usernames you want to skip.


The pricing, like the rest of Ingramer, has many options. It differs over whether you have one, two, three, five, or ten accounts, and then there are three different plans, with each one having slightly different options.

For the two-week plan, you will pay between $15 and $22, depending on the number of accounts. For the one-month plan, you will pay between $23 and $34, and for the three-month plan between $59 and $85.

Additionally, there is an à la carte menu of the basic service, scheduled posting, direct messaging, and a comment tracker.

Bottom Line

If I was going to suggest anything that could improve Ingramer, it would be to have some type of tutorial, as it can be difficult to know where to start. They do have an online chat, but I’m more of a tutorial person.

As far as the usefulness, I have to give Ingramer high ratings there, specifically for anyone advertising their business. In just a matter of a short trial I had many likes and follows.

However, the likes and followers that it found didn’t translate to my “business.” But this could be a matter of me not setting it set up the right way for my business. There were definitely people viewing my pictures, but they didn’t seem to be clicking the links I had in those posts to my articles. But again, maybe with the right type of tutorial and more posts to try the service, I could have worked with it to get the type of followers and likers that would have benefited me.

Take Ingramer for a trial run yourself and see how it works with the way you use or would like to use Instagram.

Laura has spent nearly 20 years writing news, reviews, and op-eds, with more than 10 of those years as an editor as well. She has exclusively used Apple products for the past three decades. In addition to writing and editing at MTE, she also runs the site’s sponsored review program.

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