Answering the correct boating test answers in Bitlife will ensure that you get a boating license in the game and you will be able to high seas or just enjoy another form of transportation in the game. If you’re having trouble with the questions and don’t know how to answer them, this guide is perfect for you.

All Boating Test Answers In Bitlife

Here are all the answers to the questions for the boating license in Bitlife:

  • From what side of the vessel should you NEVER anchor?
  • Stern Side
  • What does this marker signify?
  • Engine Power
  • What does this marker signify?
  • Speed limit
  • What is the name for this side of the boat? (the back part)
  • Stern
  • What does this marker signify?
  • Controlled area
  • What is the required type of fire extinguisher for a standard naval vessel?
  • Type B1
  • What is the name for this side of the boat? (the front part)
  • Bow
  • What does this flag mean?
  • Diver
  • What is the minimum required number of flares you should have on your vessel?
  • Three
  • What kind of buoy is this? (Silver colored with orange on top)
  • Mooring Buoy

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  • What is the name for this side of the boat? (left side)
  • Port
  • What is the name for this side of the boat? (right side)
  • Starboard
  • What kind of buoy is this? (Large yellow-colored with a black anchor on it)
  • Anchorage Buoy
  • Which vessel should give way when they are both approaching each other from an angle?
  • Left Vessel
  • What does this marker signify?
  • Exclusion area
  • What is the minimum distance to keep between boats?
  • 30 meters
  • What side of the vessel should pass the red marker, with a white 8 on it?
  • Starboard-side
  • What does this marker signify?
  • Dangerous area
  • What does this flag mean?
  • Distress

These are all the correct answers to all the questions to get your boating license in Bitlife. Answering all the questions with these answers will ensure that you get to use a boat whenever you want.

This is all there is to know about all the boating test answers in Bitfile, while you’re here make sure to check out How To Win The Lottery In Bitlife right here on Gamer Tweak.