About two months later the Android One smartphones stepped in India, they are reportedly launching in other two South-Asian countries, namely Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Google India posted in its blog that the launch of Android One smartphones in these countries would be an easy process, due to the geographical location as all these countries are neighbors of India. Currently, there are three smartphones available in the market under Android One series, manufactured by three different companies, which are Micromax Canvas A1, Karbonn Sparkle V and Spice Dream Uno. All these devices will have almost similar specifications, and will be updated directly updated by Google. The Android One Smartphones are low-priced devices, targeted mostly for the budget users. All three devices are priced less than $100. The Android One was announced in this year’s Google I/O by the Company’s Android division head Sundar Pichai, and was targeted for the users who were sort of budgets to buy the expensive smartphones. Though the Android One smartphones were widely appreciated during the announcement, they are reportedly not selling well in India itself, due to the stiff competition from other established or new brands- such as the Moto and Xiaomi phones, and by the low-priced other devices by the manufacturers themselves. Google had targeted the over 1 billion population of India for its Android One smartphones, and now, it is trying to cover more about 200 million population of Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Bangladesh, which has a population of over 150 million, is the greatest targeted market, where another Android One phone is added- the Symphony Roar A50, which will be manufactured by Bangladesh’s local brand Symphony. There will also be network partners for these devices, such as the Banglalink in Bangladesh. Google will extend the launch of Android One smartphones in more countries in 2015, as it targets to provide the smartphones to the budget users of all underdeveloped or developing countries. Also see: Lollipop update for Android One phones to arrive in January

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