A new batch of fishes and bugs are arriving in Animal Crossing: New Horizons in the month of October. Time to grab your net and traps to unlock the new achievement in ACHN. October 2020 will add a new batch of fishes in both the hemisphere. The same goes for bugs, the challenge is to know where exactly to look in the river or sea. On Flowers, or on Trees or in Ponds or on the grounds. I am sharing the list of all new bugs and fishes coming in the month of October in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

ANCH New Fish List for October 2020

Northern Hemisphere is getting two new fish while a lot of fishes will spawn in the southern hemisphere. We tracked down twelve fishes for October. You can get all the details about these new fishes, their price, their location, and their time of spawn.

New fishes in Southern Hemisphere:

  • Crawfish: You can catch Crawfish in Animal crossing anytime in ponds. It is a small fish you can sell for 200 bells.
  • Killifish: You can catch Killifish in Animal crossing anytime in ponds. It is a tiny fish you can sell for 300 bells.
  • Neon Tetra: You can catch Neon Tetra in Animal crossing between 9AM to 4PM in river. It is a tiny fish you can sell for 500 bells.
  • Zebra Turkey: You can catch Zebra Turkey in Animal crossing anytime in Sea. It is a medium fish you can sell for 500 bells.
  • Clownfish: You can catch Clownfish in Animal crossing anytime in Sea. It is a tiny fish you can sell for 650 bells.
  • Surgeonfish: You can catch Surgeonfish in Animal crossing anytime in Sea. It is a small fish you can sell for 1000 bells.
  • Butterfly Fish: You can catch Butterfly in Animal crossing anytime in Sea. It is a small fish you can sell for 1000 bells.
  • Seahorse: You can catch Seahorse in Animal crossing anytime in Sea. It is a tiny fish you can sell for 1100 bells.
  • Guppy: You can catch Guppy in Animal crossing between 9AM to 4PM in river. It is a tiny fish you can sell for 1300 bells.
  • Snapping Turtle: You can catch Snapping Turtle in Animal crossing between 9AM to 4PM in river. It is a medium reptile with an very high price tag. You can sell it for 5000 bells.

New fishes in Northern Hemisphere:

  • Yellow Perch: You can catch Yellow Perch in Animal crossing anytime in river. It is a small fish you can sell for 300 bells.
  • Dab: You can catch Dab in Animal crossing anytime in sea. It is a medium fish you can sell for 300 bells.

ANCH New Bugs List for October 2020

Lot of new bugs will spawn in the Southern Hemisphere and there one single spawning in the Northern part of the Animal Crossing.

New bugs in Southern Hemisphere:

  • Flea: You can catch Flea anytime in Animal crossing. It just wanders on villagers and you can sell it for 70 bells.
  • Long Locust: You can catch Long Locust in Animal crossing between 8AM to 7PM. You can find this bug on the ground sell it for 200 bells.
  • Darner Dragonfly: You can catch Darner Dragonfly in Animal crossing between 8AM to 5PM. You can find this bug on the ground sell it for 230 bells.
  • Common Bluebottle: You can catch Common Bluebottle in Animal crossing between 4AM to 7PM. It is a flying bug that cost 300 bells.
  • Giant Water Bug: You can catch Giant Water Bug in Animal crossing between 7PM to 8AM. You can find this bug in ponds and sell it for 2000 bells.
  • Jewel Beetle: You can catch Jewel Beetle anytime in Animal crossing. You can find this bug on tree stumps and sell it for 2400 bells.
  • Rajah Brooke’s Birdwing: You can catch Rajah Brooke’s Birdwing in Animal crossing between 8AM to 5PM. It is a flying bug that cost 2500 bells.
  • Madagascan Sunset Moth: You can catch Madagascan Sunset Moth in Animal crossing between 8AM to 4PM. You can find this bug near flowers and sell it for 2500 bells.
  • Atlas Moth: You can catch Atlas Moth in Animal crossing between 7PM to 4AM. You can find it on trees and it cost 3000 bells.
  • Agrias Butterfly: You can catch Agrias Butterfly in Animal crossing between 8AM to 5PM. It is a flying bug that cost 3000 bells.

We have tracked down there will be only one bug in the Northern Hemisphere. You can catch a Lady bug between 8AM to 5PM on flowers and sell it for 200 bells.

Till now this are the details on new bugs and fishes coming in the month of October in Animal Crossing New Horizons. There is lot of new batches of fishes coming in the Southern part of the world.