Exclusive Limited access to Anthem game was planned between Jan 25 to Jan 27 as VIP Demo access for pre-ordered buyers is now falling apart. Connection Problem, EA Server Reached Max Capacity, Anthem is Unavailable, Error retrieving Anthem Live Service Data, etc are some common errors lot of players reported through Twitter.

Is Anthem the new Destiny? another allegation discussed on the web among the vibrant gaming community who are not happy with the service. Players have paid extra to get first hand on the game and many are loosing their exclusive chance.

@anthemgame im unable to play the Demo. screenshot for reference. WTH. #AnthemGame #AnthemVIPDEMO pic.twitter.com/I8uYGbxzky

— Adithya (@Adithya59270452) January 25, 2019


#AnthemVIPDEMO finally got in and now this BS> A round of applause to EA for screwing up a beta once again. pic.twitter.com/bYwOtMUyVY

— Mark Meininger Jr (@Malakare) January 25, 2019

Some users have reported they had not received the Digital Code even after pre-ordering the game in advance and the support is not helping. Today is the last day of Anthem VIP Demp, Open Demo begins on February 1st and Ends on February 3rd. The final release is on 222n February.

Jesse Anderson, EA Global Community Manager tweeted that they are scaling server to allow more players to participate. But it is almost the last day and a few hours of gameplay does not sound enough of what is promised.

  • Read: How to Fix Anthem Connection Problem Issue with Server

Share your views, will you go for refund or wait for the Open Demo to give Anthem one more chance.