Gold Magazines in Apex Legends are the newest addition with Season 8 and they’re changing the entire landscape of the game. They make you ruthless and surely an Apex Predator, winning the game with Gold Magazines becomes so much easier, if you’re wondering where to find them in Apex Legends, read the rest of this guide.

Where To Find Gold Magazines In Apex Legends

Gold Magazines in Apex Legends can be found in supply crates and as ground loot. This means that you do not have to do anything special to find them, since they have the Gold rarity, finding them in the game can be a bit difficult but surely isn’t impossible. Look for explosive holds and small bunkers in the game, they will surely have one or two in each round.

Gold Magazines will most probably be found in the latter stages of the game when the circle is closing down on players and there’s not much time left. They remove the reload function of a gun and you can empty your entire bullet cache in one go.

This makes taking out entire teams with ease as you no longer have to get stuck with reloading and do not lose time. They are designed for each type of weapon so make sure that you have the appropriate magazine for the type of weapon that you have. If you have an assault rifle, find a gold magazine for that type of weapon.

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On the flip side, if you find a gold magazine make sure to pick it up in the game as you can easily change your weapon whenever you wish. They store the same number of bullets as the purple magazines but with the autoload mechanism, they surely become god-like.

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Keep in mind that there’s a 5-second wait when you load up a Gold Magazine in Apex Legends and you will see a prompt on your HUD when the magazine has been attached. It feels like a proper trade-off for never having to reload until you empty all the bullets in your arsenal. This is all there is to know about where to find Gold Magazines in Apex Legends.