Baldurs Gate 3 is a next-gen RPG game with extremely detailed characteristics and features. You may feel overwhelmed while playing a game with so many options to use. To an extent this makes the Baldurs Gate 3 engaging as well as mundane. What about trying out some mods on Baldurs Gate 3? If you are looking for answers for Does Baldurs Gate 3 supports mods? Or how to install mods on Baldurs Gate 3? then you are on the right page. The game is massive and mods are custom settings that can allow you to do more. So let’s begin with Baldurs Gate 3 modding.

How to install Mods in Baldurs Gate 3?

New mod’s are unsupported in Baldurs Gate 3. Baldurs Gate 2 Enhanced Edition has a library of mods on NexusMods. We are trying to track down any working mods for Baldurs Gate 3 and will update this guide at the earliest. But there is one thing you can do if you are looking for custom settings. There are some trainers that can unlock various options in Baldurs Gate 3.

Baldurs Gate 3 Trainers will let you activate cheat codes in the game. I am not going to list or provide the download link of Baldurs Gate 3 Trainers due to security issues but can guide you to search in the right direction. Trainers as you know are third-party tools that allow you to activate cheats and remove restrictions from the game. You can hit the link above to learn a little more the same.

But remember it is best to avoid any kind of trainer or mod which is not having any kind of community support. The best site to scan for Baldurs Gate 3 Mods is NexusMods. You can go through Baldurs Gate 2 Enhanced Edition library to check out what all mods where there before. A lot of them were tested and used by different users who also reported any kind of associated bugs.

To make your journey easier there are some Baldurs Gate 3 guides you will like to read. For example Best Class, Dual Wield Weapons, Character Creation tips and more. We will be updating regularly for Baldurs Gate 3 mods and trailers in this same article. Remember to visit back again for the list of best mods for Baldurs Gate 3.