Bethesda at E3 announced a battle royale mode for Fallout 76 titled Nuclear Fallout and ever since it has been talked about heavily. It has been one of the most different battle royale modes that we have seen until now and it might be the thing that could eventually save Fallout 76.

In a recent blog post, Bethesda announced that they will extend the Nuclear Winter mode indefinitely which was only going to run for about as long as the free trial for the game which ends this week.

This new mode has been getting a lot of attention ever since popular streamer Shroud said that he is making this his “main game”, and with the help of other streamers joining in, it seems that the game has finally found something that would save it.

You can also check out the trailer and try it out for free this week as the game is being available for everyone to try it out till the end of this week after which will be paid, and the progress you save will be carried on.