Bethesda has spoken out about the takeover by Microsoft. First, the company wants to process this step. It already seems to be certain: The games will continue to be published via Bethesda.

Microsoft has taken over Zenimax. The deal cost the Redmond company $7.5 billion. But what does this step mean for PS5 players? The companies involved have not yet elaborated on this. At least one statement from Bethesda indicates that the company will continue to publish its own games in the future.

“The key point is we’re still Bethesda. We’re still working on the same games we were yesterday, made by the same studios we’ve worked with for years, and those games will be published by us,” said Bethesda’s Pete Hines said.

In the further course of the statement, the head of Bethesda said that he went into more detail on the reasons for the change. He pointed out that this gives Bethesda the opportunity to create better games. Many players will probably remember the Fallout 4 debacle.

“Microsoft is an incredible partner and offers access to resources that will make us a better publisher and developer. We believe that means better games for you to play. Simply put – we believe that change is an important part of getting better. We believe in pushing ourselves to be better. To innovate. To grow,” Hines continues.

“Yes, it’s a big change for us, but after taking a minute to absorb the magnitude of this acquisition, we’re going to continue doing what we know and love: making great games. We’re going to keep trying new things. We’re going to take the same passion poured into what we do, and the passion that our community brings to the things we make, and do even better,” Hines concluded.